About Us

Welcome to Nestlé Health Science Pro. This website is for you - Canadian Healthcare Professionals and is a resource to support your everyday practice and continuing professional development.
Explore educational and product resources across medical nutrition areas including oncology, critical illness, and dysphagia.
Once registered, you will have access to a variety of resources, including Clinical Resources, Educational Materials, Product Resources, Scientific Publications, and Patient Resources. You also can request samples for your patients and request to be connected to a Nestlé Health Science trained professional. Start exploring by clicking here.
About Nestlé Health Science
Built on decades of innovation and dedication, Nestlé Health Science was founded in 2011 by people passionate about the power of nutrition. Since then, we've changed a lot as a company, but our commitment to healthier lives certainly hasn’t. From young children, adolescents to older adults we provide nutrition where it's needed most.
And to achieve that, it all comes down to science. Through extensive research and development, working with healthcare providers and focusing on innovation, we are bringing the latest advances in nutrition to the world, because we're committed to consumers, patients, and caregivers everywhere. We'll help them live their best lives.
Our Purpose
Empower healthier lives through nutrition for consumers, patients, and their healthcare partners.
Our Mission
Provide trusted nutritional products and resources to maintain, support and enhance quality of life at all stages.
Deliver science-based innovation that meets the unique requirements of the nutrition-related consumer, patient, and healthcare provider.